Promo: African Women in Tech and Design (AWiTad) Ep 2 With Esther Kute


Podcast Title: African Women in Tech and Design (AWiTad)

Category: Podcast Series/Episode 2 Promo

Theme: Tech and Design

Episode Two Title: A walk on Shoe Side

About the Episode

In this episode, the Podcast’s host, Ziki guides us into the world of shoe design through an exciting conversation with the guest, Esther.

“When I grow up, I want to work at Bata”. This was Esther’s dream even as a child and she confidently declared it whenever the subject of careers came up.

However, upon joining the University of Nairobi’s Design school, she had moments of uncertainty about the design course. It took the vigilance and intervention of a keen and observant lecturer for her love of design to be rekindled to the point of graduating with honours.

And now, Esther is the Product Development Manager at Bata Kenya, a worldwide shoe manufacturing company. Here, Esther has made remarkable achievements. For one, she has successfully led a project development team into improving the design of the famous Bata Patapata slippers that went on to win an international award.

In this Podcast we take “A walk on the Shoe Side ” with Esther as we get to know how she moved up from a Creative Designer Trainee to her current position at the helm of the shoe and accessories design department at Bata. Also in this Podcast, Esther generously shares tips about the resources available to designers, the importance of collaboration among designers themselves as well with other actors from related sectors, among other tips.

Overall, Esther shares amazing insights on why we must always be on the ready to grab opportunities, venture to become better versions of ourselves as individuals, as well as how to better our productivity.

Listen to Episode Two here: